<Everflame> Stormbeak (Boltwing)

  • Boltwing (1)
  • Flashwing (2)
  • Stormbeak (3)
  • <Everflame> Boltwing (4)
  • <Everflame> Stormbeak (4)
Leader Skill
Increases allies' critical hit damage by 40%.
Magma Spike
One target
Magma Spike
Soars into the air and rains down sharp blows upon the enemy.
Vulcan Tempest
All targets
Vulcan Tempest
Summons a searing firestorm that damages all enemies.
Blazing Phoenix
All targets
Blazing Phoenix
Summons a giant firestorm that damage all enemies.
  • <Everflame> Stormbeak
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Defense Down
    Defense Down
    Grants a 70(+20)% chance to reduce the enemy's defense by 70% for 2 turn(s).
    Books: +20% damage
    Attack Down
    Attack Down
    Grants a 70(+20)% chance to reduce the enemy's attack power by 50% for 2 turn(s).
    Books: +20% damage


    "There's actually no such thing as absolute truth in academia. Think about decades or centuries ago. Mercury was thought to grant eternal life, non-humanoid Astromons were thought to have no souls... They're laughable notions now, but back then were accepted as obvious truths. The belief that only humanoid Astromons could undergo super evolution is another idea that most people held until not long ago, as is written on page 272. "Anything you think is obvious right now may not be thought of the same way in the future. A true scholar must be able to doubt every 'obvious fact' they know. It's quite ironic, don't you think? People enter academia to find the truth, when in reality there is no solid truth in academia." - Quote from Professor Fan Tasee

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (fire) is not normally used as a fusion material

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (fire) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • <Everflame> Stormbeak
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Grants a 100% chance to petrify target for 1(+1) turn(s). Petrified foes cannot act, but have increased defense.
    Books: +25% damage
    Grants a 80(+20)% chance to petrify target for 1 turn(s). Petrified foes cannot act, but have increased defense.
    Books: +25% damage


    "An organization formed to protect order and attain world peace...? What?! I just—" "Shh! Someone might be listening. Choose your words carefully." "This doesn't make sense. I just evolved my Boltwing. Why have I been getting followed by strangers for a week?" "If I hadn't given you that tip, you probably wouldn't have even noticed and continued to go about your days in ignorance. This happens more than you think. When anything out of the ordinary happens that could disrupt order, they send people to observe. They read your letters, listen to your conversations, and look at all your other records." "Why...?" "Lucky for you, they can't do anything extreme due to all the eyes on them now, unlike in the past. They're limited to simple information gathering at this point." "But... I need to throw my Boltwing a birthday party..." "That might be okay..."

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (water) is not normally used as a fusion material

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (water) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • <Everflame> Stormbeak
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    HP Siphon
    HP Siphon
    Attacks restore own HP in proportion to the amount of damage dealt.
    Books: +15% damage
    HP Siphon
    HP Siphon
    Attacks greatly restore allies' HP in proportion to the amount of damage dealt.
    Books: +15% damage


    "The winds of change have begun to blow. Heated debates rage among scholars as chaos compounds and grows every day." ... "...Then what is the range of acceptable change within the framework of order? Where is the line that separates positive change from harmful threat? The Senate is no doubt struggling with all that's been happening lately, and the Department of Enforcement's unusual activities are a reflection of that." - Excerpt from one researcher's dirt-stained note

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (tree) is not normally used as a fusion material

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (tree) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • <Everflame> Stormbeak
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:20%
    Crit Res:0%
    Courageous Strike
    Courageous Strike
    Greatly increases attack power in proportion to the target's maximum HP.
    Books: +25% damage
    Expose Weakness
    Expose Weakness
    Grants a 80(+10)% chance to expose the enemy's weakness for 2 turn(s).
    Expose Weakness does not stack, and exposed foes take increased damage from the next attack by 100%.
    Books: +20% damage


    "There's no way this was just luck. All of this success has come thanks to my insight and ability to predict economic trends. My insight is like a gemstone that hadn't seen the light of day because luck had not been on my side, but the light Boltwing's feather changed all that. That's how everything goes, isn't it? Once you reach a certain point, your talent blossoms and opens up an entire new world for you. You might say I've reached a state that only a select few others have. Is this what it's like to intuit capitalistic trends?" He felt for the first time as though he understood all logic in the world. The next day, he went through his wardrobe and put on his best outfit, then started walking to Bisden Central Bank. A 27x return on his investment may have sounded good, but after paying back the debt he accrued over the past 10 years, he'd have nothing left. Still, he knew this was merely another investment—an investment in his future...

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (light) is not normally used as a fusion material

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (light) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • <Everflame> Stormbeak
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:100%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Morale Boost
    Morale Boost
    Grants a 100% chance to restore 10(+5)% of allies' SP when attacking.
    Books: +20% damage
    Grants a 80(+10)% chance to inflict the enemy with two types of sap damage for 2 turn(s). Sapped foes have decreased resistance.
    Books: +20% damage


    "It's true, though, that only very rarely does a Boltwing tail feather stick around; normally, they flutter and disappear a short while after being separated from the Boltwing. However, the latest theory speculates that perhaps feathers remain because astral energy left behind by the Boltwing materializes in reaction to a nearby organism's desires." "Now explain it in English, please." "For example, if there's someone with a strong desire near a light Boltwing, the theory states there is a small chance that the Boltwing's tail feather will stick around after falling off, and that the strong desire will have an impact on the world. However, not long after, an opposite reaction will come crashing back like a wave on the shore. That's how the world keeps itself balanced." "Then what about dark-elemental tail feathers?" "I'm not sure, ha ha. Perhaps they bring good fortune to someone you hate?"

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (dark) is not normally used as a fusion material

    <Everflame> Stormbeak (dark) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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