Heroic King Gilgamesh (Gilgamesh)

  • Gilgamesh (1)
  • Young King Gilgamesh (2)
  • Heroic King Gilgamesh (3)
Charging Stance
Leader Skill
Charging Stance
Decreases enemies' defense by 35%.
Riotous Chop
One target
Riotous Chop
Strikes the enemy with his giant axe.
Nova Strike
All targets
Nova Strike
Summons a phantom weapon and strikes it with his axe, causing an explosion that damages all enemies.
  • Heroic King Gilgamesh
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Grants a 100% chance to stun the enemy for 1(+1) turn(s).
    Books: +20% damage
    HP Siphon
    HP Siphon
    Attacks greatly restore allies' HP in proportion to the amount of damage dealt.
    Books: +20% damage


    In exchange for defeating the monsters, Gilgamesh asked for the people's obedience and tributes. While these seem to be perfectly ordinary terms, he had a habit of making all sorts of demands from those beneath him. That alone would not have been a problem, but his requests were often petty and selfish. He would throw a fit if a tribute wasn't to his liking, then demand grain from the already starving farmer who gave it to him—grain he wouldn't even eat. This sort of behavior became the basis for his reputation as a tyrant. that he came to be known as a tyrant. However, once Enkidu began acting as a sort of mediator, Gilgamesh's violent behavior died down, at least to a more reasonable level. The goddess's decision to send Enkidu to Gilgamesh was truly a wise one.

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (fire) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (fire) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Heroic King Gilgamesh
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Grants a 70(+10)% chance to weaken the enemy for 2(+1) turn(s), reducing their attack power by 40% and defense by 40%.
    Books: +15% damage
    Courageous Strike
    Courageous Strike
    Greatly increases attack power in proportion to the target's maximum HP.
    Books: +25% damage


    Gilgamesh and Enkidu set off for the Cedar Forest mountains in the northeast in search of Humbaba. At first, Gilgamesh seemed to lack any motivation, but as they collected information about Humbaba, his attitude began to change. After much traveling, they finally reached the mountains, but before they proceeded, Enkidu felt it necessary to reiterate the danger of their mission. "Gilgamesh, we must be careful in our actions. Humbaba's mouth is like fire and his breath filled with death. His mere yell is said to be akin to a disastrous flood..." "So, about those seven auras." "Hm?" "We heard Humbaba wears seven layers of armor made by the goddess Luna, right?" "Wait, you're not thinking of...?" Enkidu dropped his umbrella as a sense of foreboding overcame him. "Then let's take his armor! Y'know, and take him down while we're at it!" "Dispatching him is our priority! The goddess commanded us to dispatch him!" "Don't damage his armor! I'm taking it once we're done!" Their target was the titan Humbaba, who was waiting deeper in the mountains. Gilgamesh led, followed behind by Enkidu.

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (water) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (water) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Heroic King Gilgamesh
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Increases damage dealt by 50%.
    Books: +30% damage
    Increases attack 35% as each turn passes. Stacks up to 7 turns.
    Books: +25% damage


    "I'm pretty sure I'm going to pop a blood vessel or two if I have to listen to more of the hot air coming out of your mouth." "Pop a blood vessel...? Sometimes you say things I don't understand, Master. It's not a good habit." "You're literally just telling me not to use expressions you don't understand." "Ha ha ha! See? I chose you for a reason, Master! You're quite the quick learner!" "Why does that sound like an insult more than a compliment...?" "You should be proud of yourself for being chosen by me." "I don't understand your standards. You don't even have many friends. Which is to say, Enkidu's your only friend." "That's because I only become friends with those who meet my standards. Anyone's welcome to try." "Okay, then let me call your friend Enkidu so we can start negotiating. For real. I can't believe I have to negotiate with you in the first place..." "I would hope you could be a little more positive, being my master and all..." "Ugh, such a pain in the butt!"

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (tree) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (tree) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Heroic King Gilgamesh
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:20%
    Crit Res:0%
    Courageous Strike
    Courageous Strike
    Greatly increases attack power in proportion to the target's maximum HP.
    Books: +25% damage
    Attack Up
    Attack Up
    Increases allies' attack power by 40% for 2(+1) turn(s).
    Books: +20% damage


    It was an outrageous question. Who would ask a dying person about when they're going to die? If he had asked me before, I would have gotten angry and probably cried, but now I found myself chuckling. Maybe it was due to the serious look on Gilgamesh's face, a look that didn't suit him. "You're asking when I'm going to die? Me? A bit harsh, don't you think? Hah hah!" "Master...?" Gilgamesh looked confused. The incarnation of arrogance himself looked confused. I must be the first human ever to make him look like that. The thought of it made me laugh even more. When I finally stopped laughing, I spoke. "Gilgamesh, I'm going to die. Not just me, but all people will die some day. I'm going to die because I'm not a god, though admittedly I don't know what happens to gods. The only difference is that death found me a little earlier than it does others. It's unfortunate, but I suppose that's the hand I've been dealt." "I see." "When you meet your next master, please be nice to them. Don't ask them whether they're dying soon." "..." Gilgamesh must never have really known what death was... I'm glad I was at least able to teach him something. He may still be arrogant and overbearing, but at least now he knows about death...

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (light) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (light) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Heroic King Gilgamesh
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:100%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Battle Rush
    Battle Rush
    Attacks restore 20% of own HP and SP.
    Books: +25% damage
    Applies a self-buff that ignores 90(+10)% of the enemy's base defense.
    Books: +20% damage


    Some scholars cautiously theorize that Gilgamesh might even be one of the first Astromons ever, mostly on the basis that he is the subject of many ancient stories. The issue with this theory is that most of those stories are not written, but are rather passed down by bards throughout the years, which give them limited credibility. Still, scholars continue to research a poem called the Epic of Gilgamesh, and like to focus particularly on the part that claims Gilgamesh knows the secret to immortality. Astromons do live much longer than humans, but they do not live forever. What if, then, Gilgamesh is seeking after eternal life? What if he knows the secret to immortality? All the Astromon research done up to now may have to be entirely reconsidered.

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (dark) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Heroic King Gilgamesh (dark) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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