Arlecchino (Harlequin)

  • Harlequin (1)
  • Hellequin (2)
  • Arlecchino (3)
Leader Skill
Increases allies' critical hit damage by 40%.
Surprise Gift
One target
Surprise Gift
Approaches the enemy and lets off a congratulatory firecracker. The paper confetti hurts a lot when it hits.
Juggling Practice
All targets
Juggling Practice
Begins to juggle when suddenly the balls go flying and explode, damaging all enemies.
  • Arlecchino
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Grants a 80% chance to reduce target's skill gauge by 20(+10)% for 2 turns.
    Books: +20% damage
    Attack Down
    Attack Down
    Grants a 60(+10)% chance to reduce the enemy's attack power by 50% for 2 turn(s).
    Books: +20% damage


    After the king arrived at the castle, he commanded Arlecchino to show him her talent, but she only shook her head and refused to move. She said, "The reason you never smile is not because you've not experienced fun. It is because your heart is dry. A bud of joy can never grow out of a dry heart, no matter how much you water it. There is already much happiness and joy around you. You must change your heart and really look at your surroundings." After she finished speaking, Arlecchino disappeared before everyone's eyes without a trace. Did the king have a change of heart? Did he ever smile? This is a story of long ago. No one knows the truth.

    Arlecchino (fire) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Arlecchino (fire) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Arlecchino
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Courageous Strike
    Courageous Strike
    Critical hits grant additional attack power proportional to the target's maximum HP.
    Books: +20% damage
    Attack Down
    Attack Down
    Critical hits have a 80% chance to lower the enemy's attack power by 50% for 2 turn(s).
    Books: +25% damage


    "Wow, they're completely different." "They say clowns laugh on the outside, but are filled with pain on the inside. I'm not a clown, though, so I can't really say." "Pain seems to be as far away from what you do as possible." "Are you saying I'm only ever all fun and games?" "You're like an ambassador of fun, though sometimes I do think you go overboard." "For example?" "Like when you set up a toy to come popping out of one of my desk drawers, or when I open a door and suddenly flour drops all over me... Would you mind not pulling those sorts of pranks anymore?" "But they make everyone happy. Everyone enjoys watching you get surprised." "And I'm saying to stop using me as a guinea pig." "But isn't it all right since it makes others happy?" "It's not all right!"

    Arlecchino (water) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Arlecchino (water) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Arlecchino
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    SP Siphon
    SP Siphon
    Attacks siphon 20(+5)% of the enemy's SP. (The amount cannot exceed the enemy's current SP.)
    Books: +20% damage
    Grants a 80% chance to petrify target for 1(+1) turn(s). Petrified foes cannot act, but have increased defense.
    Books: +20% damage


    The airship was quiet. I yelled for Seira, but no one answered. I thought it was strange, but still dragged my tired self into my room. Right as I entered, party crackers went off from all sides. I was so scared, I froze. Everyone from the airship was in my room. Seira came up and put a festive, pointy hat on my head. On the table was a huge cake. I'd forgotten it was my birthday. This was why she sent me shopping... I felt tricked but also felt happy that everyone was there celebrating. Just then, I saw the one responsible for everything smiling in the corner. "Arlecchino!" "Figured it out, huh?" "This was all your doing, wasn't it?" "You know it! Happy birthday, Master!" She let off a party cracker in my direction. When the confetti cleared, she had already disappeared. I wasn't sure what to say, whether I should thank her or what... So I decided to stuff my face full of cake. Sometimes doing this sort of thing isn't so bad.

    Arlecchino (tree) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Arlecchino (tree) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Arlecchino
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:20%
    Crit Res:0%
    Damage Reduction
    Damage Reduction
    Reduces damage received by 50% for 1 turn(s).
    Books: +25% damage
    Fearless Taunt
    Fearless Taunt
    Reduces damage received by 50% for 1 turn, and grants a 80% chance to draw enemies' attention for 1(+1) turn(s).
    Books: +20% damage


    The sky was dark. I was filled with regret. When my daughter ran out of the house at lunch, I thought she would be back soon. I didn't think we would still be looking at this late hour. Family and neighbors were all out with lights searching, but no one had seen her. All I needed to do was buy her one small toy. I hated my past self for thinking she was being greedy. Just as I was thinking that, I took another look around. "Mom!" I saw her running over from the other side of the road. I ran to her and embraced her. I started to cry. "Mom, the girl in colorful clothes brought me back." She pointed over to the dark, where I saw a... clown? A performer? The performer removed her hat and saluted me, so I nodded my head. I wasn't scared. Only thankful.

    Arlecchino (light) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Arlecchino (light) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Arlecchino
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:100%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Elemental Edge
    Elemental Edge
    Critical hits against any enemy are treated as that enemy's elemental weakness.
    Books: +20% damage
    Increases damage dealt by 40(+10)%.
    Books: +15% damage


    Arlecchino's juggling is her most popular performance, but she tends to throw her juggling balls into the audience when she really gets into it, so you have to be careful when you're watching. Sometimes the balls she throws turn into birds that fly way, or into confetti that sprinkles over the audience, or even cookies. At the end of her performance, she'll throw her hat into the audience, which audience members will then sometimes fill with money and give back to her, at which point she bids them farewell and suddenly disappears. People say that the next day, a large pile of money will then appear the next day in the entrance of the village's orphanage, together with a card that says it is a gift from the performer who brings smiles to others.

    Arlecchino (dark) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Arlecchino (dark) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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