Berdis (Ber)

  • Ber (1)
  • Berdia (2)
  • Berdis (3)
Defensive Stance
Leader Skill
Defensive Stance
Decreases enemies' attack power by 30%.
Pollen Rush
One target
Pollen Rush
Rushes to an enemy and sprinkles lots of pollen to attack the enemy.
Blooming Flower
All targets
Blooming Flower
Blooms a flower enriched with Yggdrasil's energy, damaging all enemies.
  • Berdis
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Defense Down
    Defense Down
    Grants a 100% chance to reduce the enemy's defense by 70% for 2 turn(s).
    Books: +30% damage
    Fire Predator
    Fire Predator
    Increases attack power by 100% when attacking fire Astromons.
    Books: +30% damage


    <Berdis' Photosynthesis Awareness Campaign with The Astromasters' Association> Dear Masters, how much do you know about the mechanism of Berdis' photosynthesis? Berdis gains energy from moonlight, so bright sunlight is a big no-no! Once Berdis is exposed to sunlight, it will shrivel up in the blink of an eye. Spread the word and let's protect them together!

    Berdis (fire) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Berdis (fire) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Berdis
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Grants a 70(+10)% chance to Blind the enemy for 1 turn(s), reducing their critical hit rate by 50% and critical hit damage by 50%.
    Books: +20% damage
    Elemental Edge
    Elemental Edge
    Attacks against any enemy are treated as that enemy's elemental weakness.
    Books: +20% damage


    *loud sneeze* Again, a loud sneeze echoed through the lab of Professor Fan Tasee. The lab members were worried that, once Berdis starts flying, Fan Tasee's condition would get worse. As the tension mounted in the lab, pollen started spreading from the now airborne Berdis. Fan Tasee held his breath, but not for long. Having reached his limit, Fan Tasee exhaled loudly, with tissues at hand. The lab members started counting down till the inevitable sneeze. 3, 2, 1! But quite contrary to everyone's expectations, Fan Tasee did not sneeze. His headache was gone, and fresh air filled his lungs. Though he felt a bit drowsy, Fan Tasee shouted in joy. The lab erupted in cheer as they celebrated the now allergy-free Fan Tasee, but silence soon filled the lab. Everyone had gone into a deep sleep.
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  • Berdis
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Critical hits have a 90(+10)% chance to stun the enemy for 2(+1) turn(s).
    Books: +10% damage
    Grants a 80(+10)% chance to inflict the enemy with three types of sap damage for 1 turn(s). Sapped foes have decreased resistance.
    Books: +20% damage


    "I visited the famous Aotea forest to capture a rare Astromon. It was far removed from civilization and spooky, but I liked its mystical vibe. That is, until I slipped on a mossy rock and fell headfirst into a muddy puddle. I was so frustrated and hurt I just rolled over on the ground, contemplating my life choices. There I was, on the ground, when a green chunk of who-knows-what suddenly ran over me. It hurt so much I was seeing stars. "So that's what you've been up to?" "*laugh* That's not all. I was suddenly covered in glowing pollen, and just like that, the pain went away. As they say, no pain, no gain!" "?!... Was it Berdis, perhaps?"

    Berdis (tree) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Berdis (tree) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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