Sparkon (Sparkitt)

  • Sparkitt (1)
  • Sparkel (2)
  • Sparkon (3)
Grace of Life
Leader Skill
Grace of Life
Increases allies' HP by 30%.
Elemental Lightning
One target
Elemental Lightning
Breathes out lightning mixed with fire energy.
Lightning Storm
All targets
Lightning Storm
Hurls a ball of lightning that shoots in all directions, damaging all enemies.
  • Sparkon
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Critical hits have a 100% chance to stun the enemy for 2 turn(s).
    Books: +25% damage
    Grants a 70(+10)% chance to Blind the enemy for 2 turn(s), reducing their critical hit rate by 50% and critical hit damage by 50%.
    Books: +20% damage


    A fully evolved Sparkel. In the wild, these Astromons are so powerful that they have few enemies. Their only weak spot is the inverted scale they have on their neck, which is both very sensitive and will cause them to become dazed if it is attacked. Of course, Sparkons move at such great speed that it is almost impossible to hit their inverted scale on purpose.

    Sparkon (fire) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Sparkon (fire) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Sparkon
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Grants a 70(+10)% chance to Blind the enemy for 2 turn(s), reducing their critical hit rate by 50% and critical hit damage by 50%.
    Books: +15% damage
    Courageous Strike
    Courageous Strike
    Critical hits grant additional attack power proportional to the target's maximum HP.
    Books: +20% damage


    Although there are some exceptions, it is well known that most wild Astromons are stronger than those who were raised by the hand of a master. This is largely due to the memoirs left by the grand master Alpaca, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame. "...Back then, I was fully confident in myself. When it came to raising, training, and managing Astromons, I was a pro, and I had a long winning streak in the League. However, the moment I saw that Sparkon, all of that self-confidence was destroyed. My Sparkon had the elemental advantage, and yet that huge, wild Sparkon defeated it like it was nothing..."

    Sparkon (water) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Sparkon (water) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Sparkon
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Elemental Edge
    Elemental Edge
    Attacks against any enemy are treated as that enemy's elemental weakness.
    Books: +20% damage
    Attack Down
    Attack Down
    Grants a 60(+10)% chance to reduce the enemy's attack power by 50% for 2 turn(s).
    Books: +20% damage


    "Where do you wanna fly to today?" "Squee!" ...Thus began the legend of the Sparkon dragon passed down through generations in Grimborn Village. The legend describes them as a heroic duo who defeated terrible beasts and discovered great treasures, but the truth is they were just a girl and a Sparkon who became friends. Granted, they did also do most of the things described in the legend...

    Sparkon (tree) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Sparkon (tree) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Sparkon
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:50%
    Crit Rate:20%
    Crit Res:0%
    Critical hits shock the enemy for 1 turn(s). Shocked foes cannot act and have reduced defense.
    Books: +25% damage
    Defense Down
    Defense Down
    Grants a 70(+10)% chance to reduce the enemy's defense by 70% for 2 turn(s).
    Books: +15% damage


    Light Sparkons are known to be able to fly higher than almost any other Astromon. Until they fully evolve, they cannot fly particularly high due to their underdeveloped wings, but once a Sparkon grows to its full stature, it can fly to heights even an airship can't reach. Many artists have painted images of light Sparkons flying through the clouds while shooting pillars of light down to the earth.

    Sparkon (light) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Sparkon (light) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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  • Sparkon
    Lv.60 Stats
    Crit Dmg:100%
    Crit Rate:10%
    Crit Res:0%
    Morale Boost
    Morale Boost
    Grants a 100% chance to restore 10(+5)% of allies' SP when attacking.
    Books: +15% damage
    Grants a 70(+10)% chance to stun the enemy for 1 turn(s).
    Books: +15% damage


    "There was this guy a while back... Said he was going to help Latecian civilization jump forward a few steps. He went on about his research into electricity or some such, always going around with that dragon of his. It sounds like he really made some great discovery. But then a few nights after that, there was all this lightning flashing around the hill he lived on, then suddenly a giant pillar of fire rose up. It scared all the villagers into hiding. Later they went over and saw the hill was just gone, replaced by a hole as though something fell straight from the sky. Near the hole was the guy's Sparkon, black and burnt to a crisp. It looked like it had fought to protect its master... It was the saddest thing I ever saw." "Before the incident, you didn't happen to see a man with a spear and a bunch of 'eyes floating around him, did you?" "Can't say I did... But I think Gilbert just down the block said somethin' of the sort. By the way, what's that floating sword of yours? It's quite...interesting."

    Sparkon (dark) is not normally used as a fusion material

    Sparkon (dark) is not normally obtainable from fusion

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